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Showing posts from October, 2019


How to use Mobile Phone During Pregnancy

Mobile phones emit low levels of "non-ionizing" electromagnetic radiation as do televisions, computers,   microwave ovens   and other man-made and natural environmental sources that we are exposed to every day. "Non-ionizing" radiation is much milder than the "ionizing" radiation. Experts from around the world agree that non-ionizing radiation is unlikely to harm a developing baby, because it is at the low end of the electromagnetic spectrum. However, you can reduce your exposure from your mobile phone by following these suggestions:  Ø   Use your phone as little as possible, and only when you have no alternative, send a text or use a landline instead. Ø   Keep your calls short.  Ø   Try to avoid using your phone if the signal strength is low, find a better location to make a call if it improves the signal. Ø   Consider using a hands-free set, to increase the distance between your head and the phone, or try not to hold your hand-held ph

Effects of Smoking on Fertility

We all know that smoking can cause cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, and cancer of the lungs, bladder, cervix, esophagus, kidney, pancreas, and stomach. Mostly smokers don’t realize that smoking can also affect both men’s and women’s fertility. Men and women who smoke take longer to get pregnant than non-smokers. The toxic chemicals in cigarettes can cause damage to eggs and sperm which affects a future child's health. In males, smoking can reduce sperm count, their quality & ability to move. Smoking also decreases the sperm’s ability to fertilize eggs. Also affects hormone levels, which can cause infertility. Smoking is strongly correlated with an increased risk of erectile dysfunction. In females, smoking can increase miscarriage rates (possibly due to damaged eggs), premature birth & other complications in pregnancy.  Smoking may decrease the total number of eggs a woman has in her ovaries. There is no safe limit for smoking, the only wa

Tips for Pregnant women for fasting during festival

Fasting is an important part of festivals like Navratri, in India. It is also not advisable for pregnant women to fast during their first trimester of pregnancy as the fetus is very sensitive at this stage. Similarly, pregnant women should not fast in their third trimester as it could induce premature labor. So, avoid fasting during first and third trimester of pregnancy. Pregnant women can fast but must take additional precautions and special care when they choose to do so. Before making final decision to fast talk to your doctor. Fasting during pregnancy must be observed under strict supervision: Keep your body well-hydrated, not just with water but also other fluids like coconut water, buttermilk, and milk. Ensure eating a healthy diet. Eat small and frequent meals. Do not avoid consuming enough salt as you fast. Even if you add rock salt or sendha namak .  Do not ignore any sign of fatigue or weakness. Getting adequate sleep while fasting Reduced work load or t